- February 19, 2025
Walking is the key to aerobic exercise and also a splendid way to kick starts your metabolism. The journal Medicine and Science in Sports & Science reveals that walking is something that assists to reduce the prevalence of chronic disease. If an individual walks at speed equal to or greater than 8km/h will expend more energy than jogging at the same speed.
Well, keep reading to know about the health benefits of walking daily.
Optimistic studies reveal that walking is an effective way that helps to burn calories and even lose weight. The researchers of a University of Alabama conducted an experiment with obese patients walking together (a concept is known as the ‘walking bus’) to their destinations in and around the city. Over eight weeks, when they examine their weights, more than 50 % of these patients lost an average of 5 pounds.
Also, walking increases energy expenditure and it is said to be an effective and inexpensive way to burn calories.
Walking is the best way that improves heart health. In rural New York, a study conducted on adult women that showed a positive correlation between walking and improved biomarkers of cardiovascular health.
Additionally, several studies suggest that walking is the way to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events by 31%. According to the American Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, every single adult should have to do moderate-intensity workout like brisk walking maximum for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
Walking helps to improve circulation and as a result, it assists to lower blood pressure. The researchers of Wakayama Medical College, Japan designed an experiment on people with mild hypertension in which 83 participants walked 10,000 steps per day for 12 weeks. And, over 12 weeks, they showed an effective drop in blood pressure and even increased stamina.
If you are unable to complete 10,000 steps per day, then don’t worry, you can walk for at least 30 minutes per day to keep your blood pressure levels in check.
Yes, stick on short walks routine on a regular basis also improves fasting and post-meal blood glucose levels. Optimistic studies recommend no less than 5,000 steps a day – with more than 3,000 of those steps said to be a brisk walk – to help manage type 2-diabetes.
A small experiment conducted on inactive seniors (>60 years of age) blood glucose levels of 105-125 mg/dL showed that 15 minutes or 45 minutes of interval walking after meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) controlled post-meal glucose response.
Keep in mind, regular walking will help to strengthen bones as it assists in improving the lubrication between joints and even strengthening and toning your muscles.
A small study conducted on 27 individuals with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis demonstrated that walking at a stretch around 30 minutes or more increased the knee pain and on the other hand the same volume of walking in multiple bouts improved knee loading and even eased the pain.
Many studies found that walking is something that increases your lung capacity. Yes, when you walk, your lungs breathe in more oxygen as compared to when you are on the stationary state. Remember that this exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide at a larger volume can assists to increase your lung capacity, thereby increasing your exercise performance and stamina.
Yes, walking also helps to reduce frequent attacks of infection and even boosts immunity. The Duke University School of Medicine has conducted an experiment on 12 sedentary adults with stable rheumatoid arthritis.
In this experiment, participants were asked to walk on a treadmill around 30 minutes, thrice a week for 10 weeks. They demonstrated improved immune function and infection risk at the end of the study.
Many optimistic studies found that physical activity can help prevent depression. Walking is something that is highly recommended by psychiatrists and physicians to help uplift mood.
Yes, stick on regular walking routine can helps to reduce stress levels by improving circulation, which, as in turn, provides nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Additionally, it stimulates the nervous system receptors and even reducing the production of stress hormones.
The Medical University of Graz (Austria) conducted a randomized study that walking combined with resting and balneotherapy (bath therapy) helped reduce stress.
You have to walk every day to give your memory power a boost. Japanese scientists have revealed that walking can help to improve the memory of older patients.
Several studies found that physical activity helps to increase the size of the hippocampus, on the other side, a sedentary lifestyle shrinks the hippocampus that leads to memory loss.
You should have an idea about a few basic things to walk, read on to know!
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